Caravaggio Boy with Basket of Fruit Self Portrait

This painting was a master copy study where I insert myself in the original composition. This study is of Caravaggio’s, Boy with a Basket of Fruit, a master piece from 1593, and is considered to be in the Baroque art style, with a heavy use of chiaroscuro, a technique using dark shadows. I aimed to get a realistic portrait of myself and work on my abilities to get skin tones and shades accurate. I felt that putting myself in this piece was a way to take on the conversation that surrounds this piece regarding the sensitivity of the boy in the original and his expression of femininity instead of a masculine pose and setting. I felt that with my own expression leaning towards non-binary, that I could relate to expressing myself fluidly. I also wanted to artistically challenge myself with replicating the fruit basket and making it just as realistic as the portrait.

Caravaggio Boy with Basket of Fruit Self Portrait, Jackie Robinson, acrylic on canvas, 26” x 26”, 2021


Old Town Music Hall Interior


Will Wilson Master Copy Portrait