Mawu, African Moon Goddess

The theme for this painting was "Goddess", and I wanted to focus on the nontraditional goddesses we don't often hear about. I think that when people think of gods and goddesses they immediately think of Greek or Roman mythology or even Norse mythology, but western mythology in general. I wanted to explore African mythology since that isn't something that I feel is often talked about and the long in depth stories that they had formed from. Because of this, I chose the West African Goddess (specifically from the Dahomey tribe), Mawu, who rules the moon, and is often associated with creation, fertility, and Divine femininity.

Mawu, African Moon Goddess, Jackie Robinson, acrylic on canvas, 24” x 30”, 2021

She is said to have created the Earth, and rode in the mouth of a boa constrictor to create the rivers, valleys, and canyons, and felt that if she were to stay on the Earth, it would just be too heavy and thus sent it up into space with her boa companion, leaving her to remain in "heaven". In my piece, that is why the boa is wrapped around her, almost nurturing her pregnancy with Earth. I wanted her to be pregnant with the Earth vs the Moon because I felt that because of her association with fertility, that is one of the most god-like things a human woman can do; create life within from what seems like almost nothing at all. I wanted her to raise the moon, as if to show where she gets her nurturing energy from, and for it to be the highest point of the piece because she is the Moon Goddess. I have her painted naked to show her vulnerability with her true feminine beauty, and leaving her in only the neck and cuff rings, to show that she has such a high status, while also being associated with her husband, Liza, who is the Sun God. I felt that the gold could emanate that sun-like quality of her partner, as well as having her hovering above the Sun, to show where her raw energy may be sourced. I also want to mention she is often seen as a gift to the tribes in Western Africa because she brings the coolness and even rain with the night, when most of the days are so blistering hot, which could also pertain to her nurturing qualities by taking care of the tribes and restoring balance. The background is meant to be an infrared version of the Pillars of Creation, a star forming region within the Eagle nebula. I figured this would be perfect to symbolize her properties of creation or creation in general, and this version of the cluster would accentuate just how many newborn stars are formed within these gaseous clouds, which wouldn't normally be seen; kind of like how her pregnant belly shows the Earth.


Inverted Jellyfish

